Uelton ama você Vanessa
Uelton, o amor que você sente por Vanessa é forte e verdadeiro. O que você gostaria de fazer a respeito disso?
Uelton ama você Vanessa
Uelton, o amor que você sente por Vanessa é forte e verdadeiro. O que você gostaria de fazer a respeito disso?
Titular de Noticia: Tensiones Nucleares Crecen en el Conflicto entre Rusia, Ucrania y la OTAN: Peligro Global Inminente
El conflicto entre Rusia y Ucrania ha alcanzado un punto crítico tras recientes ataques ucranianos con misiles de largo alcance provistos por Estados Unidos, lo que ha generado duras advertencias por parte del Kremlin. Según informes, Rusia podría considerar el uso de armas nucleares como respuesta a lo que califica como “amenazas críticas” a su soberanía, especialmente si estas provienen de países con respaldo de potencias nucleares como Estados Unidos, Reino Unido y Francia.
La OTAN, por su parte, ha intensificado sus preparativos defensivos en Europa del Este ante el temor de una escalada. Mientras tanto, el presidente ruso, Vladímir Putin, insiste en que su doctrina nuclear es solo para casos extremos, pero los recientes ataques en regiones como Briansk han llevado a una nueva retórica amenazante. Este contexto, unido al apoyo militar continuo a Ucrania, eleva el riesgo de un error de cálculo que podría tener consecuencias catastróficas para la humanidad.
El presidente de Ucrania, Volodímir Zelenski, ha criticado el silencio del G-20 sobre las recientes acciones de Rusia, mientras líderes globales llaman a evitar la escalada nuclear. Sin embargo, el peligro persiste, ya que ambos bandos refuerzan sus posiciones, haciendo de este uno de los momentos más tensos desde el inicio del conflicto en 2022.
crea un video de un minuto
Create a picture story book that matches this photo with a dynamic story. Write a rich story for each page, and insert an image featuring this face between each page of text using tools. Request a face image if needed.
Para criar uma história em quadrinhos com base em uma foto que você não forneceu, preciso de uma imagem para começar. Por favor, forneça a foto. Assim que você fornecer a imagem, eu posso gerar uma história rica e visualmente atraente usando ferramentas de IA.
Por enquanto, posso te dar um exemplo de como a história poderia ser estruturada, usando uma descrição genérica de uma foto:
Página 1: A Menina e o Gato Mágico
Texto: Era uma vez, numa pequena aldeia cercada por montanhas imponentes, uma menina chamada Luna. Luna era conhecida por sua gentileza e seu amor por animais. Um dia, enquanto brincava no jardim de sua avó, ela encontrou um gatinho minúsculo, com pelos da cor do sol poente e olhos verdes brilhantes. Algo sobre o gatinho parecia diferente… mágico.
Página 2: O Segredo do Gato
Texto: O gatinho miou suavemente, e Luna percebeu que ele conseguia falar! Ele contou a Luna sobre um tesouro escondido nas montanhas, um tesouro que só podia ser encontrado com a ajuda de um coração puro e bondoso. O gatinho, cujo nome era Sol, era, na verdade, um espírito guardião das montanhas!
Página 3: A Jornada nas Montanhas
Texto: Luna e Sol embarcaram numa aventura emocionante pelas montanhas. Eles enfrentaram rios caudalosos, escalaram rochas íngremes e se esquivaram de animais selvagens. A cada obstáculo superado, a amizade entre Luna e Sol se fortalecia.
Página 4: O Tesouro Encontrado
Texto: Finalmente, eles chegaram ao topo da montanha mais alta. Lá, escondido numa caverna brilhante, estava o tesouro: não era ouro nem jóias, mas um jardim mágico cheio de flores que nunca murchavam, flores que podiam curar qualquer doença.
Página 5: O Retorno para Casa
Texto: Luna e Sol retornaram para a aldeia, compartilhando a beleza e a cura do jardim mágico com todos. A aldeia floresceu, e Luna e Sol se tornaram amigos inseparáveis, lembrando-se sempre da aventura que os uniu para sempre.
Forneça a foto para que eu possa gerar a história completa.
Sem uma imagem fornecida, não posso criar uma história ilustrada específica. Preciso da imagem para basear a história e as ilustrações. Por favor, forneça a imagem para que eu possa continuar.
crea 10 stories for web desing
Sure, let’s create 10 captivating stories for web design. Each story will have a unique theme and will be accompanied by an image that fits the narrative. Here we go:
flores vermelhas com corações flutuantes
Create a picture story book that matches this photo with a dynamic story. Write a rich story for each page, and insert an image featuring this face between each page of text using tools. Request a face image if needed.
Please provide the photo you’d like me to use as a starting point for the picture storybook. I need the image to create the story and accompanying illustrations. Once you provide the photo, I will create a picture storybook for you, using the tools to generate images and videos as needed.
once upon a time there was a little fairy called Elsie change the words as the story begins where a shy little fairy called Elsie who lives in a magical kingdom known as fairyland change the words where Fairyland was a magical place in the world Elsie was very young change the words as Elsie was very young one hot morning when Elsie was seven years old change the words it was a scorching hot that Elsie was a seven year old little fairy she had discovered a magic pot change the words as there was a magic pot lying on the ground it has a rainbow in it change the words where a rainbow was released into the sky Elsie had a housemaid called Martha change the words where her housemaid was called Martha Martha had a little daughter called Zoe change the words as her daughter was called Zoe when Elsie had to leave home change the words because of the war her home was getting knocked down change the words where her home was bombed long ago when Elsie was born her mother and father had died in a car crash in India where she lived too change the words it was a long time ago when Elsie was born her mother and father had died in a car crash in India where she lived too
Here’s a picture storybook based on your requests. I’ll need to use image generation tools to create the illustrations. Since I don’t have access to external websites or specific file systems, I’ll describe the images I’d generate and you can use a tool of your choice to create them.
Page 1:
Text: Once upon a time, in a magical kingdom nestled within a hidden valley, lived a shy little fairy named Elsie. Fairyland, as it was known, was a place of sparkling rivers, towering trees with leaves of shimmering gold, and flowers that hummed with gentle melodies.
Page 2:
Text: Elsie was very young, only seven years old. One scorching hot morning, while exploring a sun-drenched meadow near her home, she stumbled upon something extraordinary.
Page 3:
Text: There, lying amidst the wildflowers, was a magic pot! A vibrant rainbow arced from its opening, reaching up into the cloudless sky.
Page 4:
Text: Elsie lived with her kind housemaid, Martha, and Martha’s sweet little daughter, Zoe. They were Elsie’s only family.
Page 5:
Text: But a shadow fell upon Fairyland. War had come, and Elsie’s home was bombed long ago, before she was even born. Her parents had died in a car crash in India, where they lived.
Page 6:
Text: Despite the sadness, Elsie held onto hope. The magic pot, she felt, held the key to rebuilding her life, and perhaps, even bringing peace to Fairyland.
They all attend Sunny Berry High. They are all 16.
Main characters: Dillain. Power: super strength. Outgoing, rude, muscular, nice sometimes. White hair. hazel eyes. He is wearing an open jacket that shows his abs and masculine figure.
Gabriel. Power: lightning. Gay, SHOW OFF, self centred , selfish. Brown hair green eyes. Make him look super duper gay. He is wearing a pink shirt throughout the story. He acts and talkss super gay. HE IS THE DEFENITION OF GAY! 🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈 he has long eyelashes that indicate him looking more gay. His lips are big also emphasising his gayness. Generate him looking super duper duper girly and gay. He has short curly curly hair, beautifully styled with a fade on the side of his head.
Callum. Power: ice. Has high-functioning autism. Always wears his blue noise cancelling headphones always. He is extremely extremely sensitive to loud noises and sensory imput. He is shy but sweet. Blonde hair blue eyes. He is wearing a hoodie. Callum has natural smooth skin and his natural beauty and handsomeness and cuteness
They are all childhood friends.
STORY!!!!!!!! Callum is extremely shy and just cannot express his emotions the same way as others. His social skills are shit. He can’t even hold a conversation. He also doesn’t do eye contact. He is very expressionless and hates smiling, he is very monotonous. Style: ANIME!!!!! STILL STORY THO!!! Always generate Callum not looking forward to emphasise his autism. Style:3D REALISTIC
The story is called Three little duckilings. Name this first bit, Prologue. REALISTIC!!!!!!
Prologue: The Unexpected Trio
Three figures, starkly different yet bound by an invisible thread of childhood friendship, stood against the backdrop of Sunny Berry High. Dillain, a mountain of muscle with white hair and hazel eyes, exuded an almost aggressive confidence, his open jacket revealing a physique honed by years of unknowingly harnessing his superhuman strength. His swagger was undeniable, yet a flicker of something softer occasionally shone through his outwardly rude demeanor.
Beside him, Gabriel, a whirlwind of flamboyant energy, was the very definition of flamboyant. His short, curly brown hair, styled with a sharp fade, framed a face sculpted with exaggerated features – full lips, long eyelashes, and expressive green eyes that seemed to sparkle with mischief. His pink shirt, a bold statement, seemed to amplify his already vibrant personality. Every gesture, every word, was a performance, a testament to his unapologetically gay persona.
In contrast, Callum, with his blonde hair, blue eyes, and perpetually downcast gaze, was a study in quiet contemplation. His blue noise-canceling headphones were ever-present, a shield against the sensory overload of the world. His autism made social interaction a daunting task; his expressions were muted, his words few, and his eyes rarely met another’s. He was a beautiful young man, but his shyness and sensory sensitivities rendered him almost invisible.
Despite their contrasting personalities and abilities, Dillain, Gabriel, and Callum were the unlikeliest of trios – childhood friends forged in the crucible of shared experiences, their bond as strong as it was unconventional.
Vida cotidiana en un campo de la isla de Madeira Portugal pero en 1930
Here’s a description of daily life in a Madeiran countryside in 1930, along with some visual aids:
Imagine a sun-drenched hillside, terraced with vineyards clinging precariously to the volcanic slopes. The air is filled with the scent of eucalyptus and the distant sound of the ocean. A small stone cottage, whitewashed and weathered, sits nestled amongst the vines. Smoke curls lazily from its chimney, hinting at a hearth fire within. A woman in a dark, full skirt and shawl, her hair neatly pinned, tends to a small vegetable patch, her hands weathered but strong. Nearby, a man in simple trousers and shirt works the land, using a traditional hoe. A donkey, laden with baskets of freshly harvested grapes, slowly makes its way down a narrow path. Children, their faces tanned and bright, play a simple game near a small stream, their laughter echoing through the stillness. The overall atmosphere is one of quiet industry and resilience, a testament to the hard work and close-knit community of rural Madeira in the 1930s.
This image should give you a visual representation of the scene described.
Describe a specific aspect of daily life, such as food, clothing, or social interactions.
Let’s focus on the food of a typical Madeiran family in the countryside during 1930. Their diet would have been largely dictated by what they could grow and produce themselves, resulting in a simple but nourishing cuisine. Imagine a hearty stew simmering over the open fire, perhaps a “Caldo Verde” – a kale and potato soup, thickened with chouriço (a spicy sausage) – providing a warming meal on a cool evening. Fresh bread, baked in a wood-fired oven, would be a staple, alongside simple vegetables like potatoes, beans, and onions, grown in their own terraced gardens. Fish, caught fresh from the sea, would be a welcome treat, perhaps grilled or stewed with tomatoes and herbs. Fruits like figs and bananas, grown locally, would provide sweetness and vitamins. Meat would have been less frequent, reserved for special occasions, perhaps a goat or a pig raised on their own smallholding. Meals would be shared communally, a time for family and conversation, reflecting the close-knit nature of rural life.
Num mundo devastado, quatro heróis emergiram das cinzas para enfrentar uma ameaça inesperada: uma formiga colossal que havia destruído o planeta. Dante, o guerreiro de força descomunal, avançou com sua espada flamejante, desferindo golpes que pareciam meras picadas contra o exoesqueleto resistente do monstro. Ekytor, o estrategista, usou sua naginata de gelo para imobilizar as patas da criatura, tentando limitar seus movimentos devastadores. Atlair, com seu poder de manipular matéria, criou barreiras e armadilhas para proteger seus aliados e atrasar o avanço da formiga gigante. Por fim, Junior, o mago azarado, usava sua magia alvejando os pontos vulneráveis da criatura.
O grupo lutava não apenas contra o monstro, mas também contra o desespero que consumia os sobreviventes. Unidos pela coragem e pelo propósito, os heróis sabiam que derrotar a formiga era mais que um ato de vingança: era a última chance de reconstruir o mundo.
A batalha contra a formiga colossal é desesperadora, mas os quatro heróis lutam com bravura. A cena é desoladora: prédios destruídos formam um cenário apocalíptico ao redor do monstro.
Dante, com seus músculos tensos e a espada flamejante cortando o ar, grita enquanto luta contra o exoesqueleto impenetrável. Ekytor, com movimentos precisos e ágeis, usa sua naginata para criar pontos de congelamento nas pernas da formiga, limitando sua mobilidade. Atlair, com uma concentração intensa, ergue barreiras de energia cintilante, protegendo seus companheiros dos ataques devastadores. Junior, apesar de seus constantes tropeços e murmúrios de encantamentos, consegue lançar feitiços que atingem os pontos fracos da criatura gigante, causando danos consideráveis.
A luta é uma dança mortal de força bruta, estratégia, magia e muita coragem. O destino do mundo depende de sua vitória.
Conhecer melhor os personagens
Vamos conhecer melhor os heróis que enfrentam a formiga colossal!
Dante: O guerreiro imponente, Dante, possui força sobre-humana e uma espada flamejante forjada nas profundezas de um vulcão extinto. Sua força bruta é sua maior arma, mas sua impulsividade pode ser um obstáculo. Ele é um líder nato, mas sua confiança inabalável às vezes se transforma em teimosia.
Ekytor: Ekytor, o estrategista, é calmo e observador. Sua naginata de gelo, criada a partir de um antigo glaciar, permite que ele controle o campo de batalha com precisão. Sua inteligência e capacidade de antecipar os movimentos do inimigo são essenciais para a sobrevivência do grupo. No entanto, sua cautela excessiva pode, por vezes, paralisá-lo em momentos cruciais.
Atlair: Atlair, a manipuladora de matéria, é uma figura enigmática. Seus poderes permitem que ela crie escudos impenetráveis, armadilhas mortais e até mesmo manipule o próprio terreno. Ela é reservada e misteriosa, mas sua lealdade aos seus companheiros é inquestionável. Sua dependência de seus poderes, porém, a torna vulnerável se estiver sem energia.
Junior: Junior, o mago azarado, é o membro mais imprevisível do grupo. Sua magia é poderosa, mas seus feitiços costumam ter resultados inesperados. Apesar de sua falta de controle, sua capacidade de atingir pontos vulneráveis do inimigo é inegável. Ele compensa sua falta de precisão com otimismo e um senso de humor peculiar, que ajuda a manter o ânimo do grupo.
Quero ver uma imagem da batalha contra a formiga gigante.
Ver uma imagem diferente da batalha.
Search thoroughly, think critically, and verify information and after doing that thoroughly, think critically, and verify information so every thing is correct
. Search using at least 75 + sources and sites, such as Reddit, SteamDB, and gaming forums, to create a extremely long, detailed, comprehensive each ilst of at least 45+ active or trending multiplayer/co-op games.
These games should have active player bases and be either FPS (First-Person Shooter) or TPS (Third-Person Shooter) in point of view.
Verify that each game on the list has a jumping mechanic and with a gameplay style similar to Titanfall 2 or doom . Each game should emphasize either arena shooter, team deathmatch, melee, shooting, crafting, survival, RPG, or movement-based gameplay.
Additionally, the following criteria must be met:
Exclude sources like IGN, Gamespot, Eurogamer, TheGamer, and Kotaku.
Avoid games with limited jumping , vaulting, bad movement , realistic , muddy, slugish and slow movement mechanics, such as Ghost Recon Breakpoint , gta 5, Outriders.
Exclude games with 2D, cel-shaded, pixel graphics, isometric, top-down, or side-scroller views, voxel, cubes, anime, furry, hero shooter , batle royale .
Use a combination of Reddit discussions, SteamDB, forums, archives, youtube, 4chan /vm/, metacritic old and new forums sites , articles etc and at least 75 + reliable sources or community-driven sites to ensure accuracy and community insights.
also exclude games made with unreal engine
also each game very detailed info about jumping height, mobility, feel, player base, player opinion, gameplay info, performance, etc
also make sure you use true player stats websites like steamdb or steamcharts
after doing that thoroughly, think critically, and verify information so every thing is correct
Creating a comprehensive list of active or trending multiplayer/co-op First-Person Shooters (FPS) and Third-Person Shooters (TPS) that emphasize dynamic movement similar to Titanfall 2 or Doom, while adhering to your specified criteria, involves careful consideration of various factors. Below is a curated list of 45+ games that meet your requirements, along with detailed information for each. This list excludes games made with Unreal Engine and avoids titles with limited or unsatisfactory movement mechanics.
Sources Referenced:
Please note that while every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and relevance of the information provided, player experiences and opinions may vary. Always check the latest reviews and community discussions for the most current insights.
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