Perplexity CEO 한국 방문 유튜브 인터뷰 요약

  • Perplexity 개요

    • 새로운 시장 및 생태계 창출을 목표로 함.
    • 기존 검색 엔진을 대체하는 것이 아니라, 소비자와 컴퓨터 간의 새로운 상호작용 방식을 제안함.
    • Google과 같은 기존 브랜드의 기능을 모방하는 것은 Perplexity의 성공을 의미함.
  • 창립 배경

    • 창립자 Aran의 배경: 인도 IIT와 버클리에서 AI 연구를 진행.
    • Silicon Valley에서의 경험을 통해 창업 결심.
    • AI 기술이 실질적인 제품에 적용될 가능성을 인식.
  • Perplexity의 목표

    • ‘답변 엔진’으로서의 역할 강조.
    • 사용자가 질문을 입력하면 AI가 관련된 여러 웹 페이지를 검색하고 요약하여 응답함.
    • 사용자에게 정보의 출처를 제공하여 신뢰성을 높임.
  • 시장 점유율 및 경쟁

    • Google이 여전히 90% 이상의 검색 시장 점유율을 보유.
    • Perplexity는 Google의 사용을 대체할 필요 없이 사용자에게 새로운 경험을 제공하는 것을 목표로 함.
    • 초기 사용자를 통한 긍정적 성장 추세.
  • AI 검색 엔진의 차별성

    • Perplexity는 실시간 정보를 제공하며, AI 모델이 아닌 웹에서 직접 정보를 검색하여 응답함.
    • AI는 문서 요약 및 포맷팅에 집중함.
  • 정보 검색 과정

    • 사용자 질문에 대해 관련 문서를 검색하여 요약함.
    • AI는 정보를 제공하는 데 주력하며, 정보의 정확성을 위해 신뢰할 수 있는 출처를 사용.
  • 콘텐츠 제공자와의 관계

    • 웹에서의 트래픽 및 콘텐츠 품질에 따라 출처를 결정.
    • 콘텐츠 제공자가 Perplexity에 자료를 포함시키기 위한 특별한 방법은 없음.
  • 모델 훈련 및 최적화

    • Perplexity는 자체 웹 크롤러를 보유하고 있으며, 데이터 소스에 따라 AI 모델을 조정함.
    • 기존의 기초 모델을 사용하여 사용자 요구에 맞게 후속 훈련 진행.
  • 미래 방향

    • Perplexity는 검색 엔진의 최적화와 사용자 경험 개선에 집중.
    • 대규모 데이터 센터 구축 및 기초 모델 훈련은 계획하지 않음.
    • 사용자 데이터를 기반으로 기존 모델을 더욱 개선하는 데 초점.
  • 회사 소개

    • Perplexity는 2022년 8월에 설립됨.
    • 공동 창립자: CEO인 자신, CTO인 Dennis, 전략 책임자 Johnny, 사장 Andy.
  • 목표 및 비전

    • AI와 검색을 결합하여 소프트웨어 혁신.
    • 검색 소프트웨어의 혁신이 가장 큰 영향을 미칠 것이라는 신념.
  • 팀 배경

    • CEO는 UC Berkeley에서 AI 박사학위, Dennis는 NYU에서 AI 박사학위.
    • 두 사람은 비슷한 주제로 연구하며 친분을 쌓음.
    • Dennis는 Microsoft Bing에서 일한 경험이 있음.
    • Johnny는 Dennis와 Kora에서 함께 일한 인연으로 합류.
    • Andy는 초기 투자자로 시작해 사장직을 맡음.
  • 성장 과정

    • 초기 기대는 낮았으나, 사용자 수가 증가하면서 목표 확대.
    • 100명, 1만명, 10만명, 100만명 사용자 돌파 후 본격적인 회사 운영 시작.
  • 제품 출시

    • Perplexity는 2022년 12월 7일에 출시되었으며, ChatGPT 출시 후 일주일 뒤임.
    • ChatGPT와의 차별점: Perplexity는 실시간 웹 검색을 통해 정보 제공.
    • 모든 답변에 출처와 인용 제공, 실시간 정보 접근 가능.
  • 작동 방식

    • 사용자가 질문하면 웹에서 관련 링크를 검색.
    • AI 모델이 해당 링크의 내용을 요약하여 답변 생성.
    • AI는 항상 최신 정보 기반으로 답변 작성.
  • 제품의 차별점

    • 정확성과 속도를 동시에 제공.
    • 사용자가 AI가 제공하는 정보의 출처를 직접 확인 가능.
    • 대화형 질문 가능, 후속 질문 제안 기능 제공.
  • 비즈니스 모델

    • 소비자 구독, 기업 구독, API 서비스로 수익 창출.
    • 광고 수익 모델 도입 계획, 사용자 경험 향상과 수익성 확보 목표.
  • 시장 경쟁

    • Google의 전통적인 검색 모델과의 차별화 강조.
    • Google은 광고 수익 모델 때문에 Perplexity와 같은 답변 중심의 검색 엔진 도입 어려움.
    • OpenAI와의 차별화: 검색 엔진 설계의 복잡성.
  • AI 모델의 진화

    • 현재 AI 모델은 더 높은 정확도를 제공하며, 불필요한 정보는 무시 가능.
    • Perplexity는 사용자 데이터와 AI를 통해 지속적으로 성능 개선.
  • 미래 전망

    • 검색 엔진의 미래는 질문 기반의 검색 증가 추세.
    • Perplexity는 AI와 검색의 조화를 통해 사용자 경험을 지속적으로 개선할 계획.

Oprah Winfrey’s AI Special

Date: September 12, 2024, 8:35 PM GMT
Executive summary: Oprah Winfrey is at the forefront of discussions about artificial intelligence (AI) with her primetime special “AI and the Future of Us,” where she shares her insights and experiences of AI technology. As a cultural icon, her perspectives are influencing public understanding and acceptance of AI. This magazine compiles key articles surrounding her special, the implications of AI technology, and its future.

Oprah Winfrey’s AI Special

Oprah Winfrey Is Hosting an AI Special Tonight: What We Know

In her new primetime special, Oprah Winfrey explores the world of artificial intelligence, its capabilities, and its impact on society. The show promises to deliver an engaging blend of expert opinions and personal insights. This special aims to demystify AI and address public concerns surrounding its adoption.
CNET (7 hours ago)

Oprah Winfrey discusses her experience using AI: “We should honor it”

In an interview ahead of her special, Oprah shared her personal experiences with AI, describing it as “miraculous.” She emphasized the importance of respecting and understanding AI’s capabilities rather than fearing its potential. This perspective is crucial as society grapples with the rapid growth of AI technology.
ABC News (8 hours ago)

‘He surprised me’: Oprah on her new AI special with Sam Altman

Oprah’s discussions with Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI, reveal the transformative potential of AI. She describes the conversation as eye-opening, highlighting the innovative strides being made in AI technology. This special aims to educate viewers about AI’s role in shaping the future.
The Washington Post (1 day ago)

What Oprah’s AI Special Reveals About Where Humanity Is Headed

Oprah’s special is positioned as a critical exploration of how AI is changing human experiences and relationships. The show is expected to address not only the technological advancements of AI but also the ethical considerations that come with it, guiding viewers through the implications of this technology on society.
Forbes (1 day ago)

Oprah Winfrey: AI and the Future of Us—Full Schedule, Special Details

This article provides an overview of the special, detailing the schedule and what viewers can expect. It emphasizes Oprah’s commitment to fostering a better understanding of AI and its practical applications in everyday life. (20 hours ago)

Public Perception and Reactions to AI

Oprah Winfrey discusses her experience using AI: “It was miraculous”

Oprah elaborated on her experiences with AI, describing moments that have left her amazed by the technology’s capabilities. She calls for a balanced view of AI, urging society to embrace its benefits while remaining vigilant about its risks.
WTMX Chicago (7 hours ago)

How to watch ‘AI and the Future of Us: An Oprah Winfrey Special’ for free on ABC

This article details the various platforms where viewers can access Oprah’s special. It underscores the importance of making such discussions accessible to a wider audience, reflecting Oprah’s goal of educating the public on AI. (5 hours ago)

What excites Oprah about AI

This piece discusses Oprah’s enthusiasm for the potential of AI in education and healthcare. Her excitement reflects a broader sentiment that AI can be a force for good when harnessed responsibly.
Quartz (1 day ago)

ABC Airs ‘AI and the Future of Us: An Oprah Winfrey Special’

As the air date approaches, this article emphasizes the significance of Oprah’s special in the broader context of AI discussions. It highlights the panel of experts joining her to explore various aspects of AI.
Programming Insider (1 day ago)

Old Men in Afghanistan, Oprah on AI, Emily Goes to Rome, ‘SNL’ Stars Host ‘New York After Dark’

This article mentions Oprah’s special in the context of other television highlights, positioning it as a must-watch event that addresses critical societal issues through the lens of AI.
TV Insider (10 hours ago)

YouTube Videos Featuring Oprah on AI

Oprah Winfrey shares her experience using AI ahead of ABC special

Video Thumbnail
In this video, Oprah discusses her insights and experiences with AI technology as she prepares for her upcoming special. The format includes expert opinions and personal anecdotes.
YouTube – ABC News (Duration: 7:22, 6 hours ago)

‘AI and the Future of Us: An Oprah Winfrey Special’

Video Thumbnail
A teaser for Oprah’s special where she and experts discuss the power and potential of AI. This short clip builds anticipation for the full episode.
YouTube – ABC (Duration: 1:07, 2 days ago)

‘AI and the Future of Us: An Oprah Winfrey Special’

Video Thumbnail
A brief promotional video for the upcoming special, inviting viewers to learn more about AI and its implications for the future.
YouTube – ABC (Duration: 0:16, 1 day ago)

OpenAI’s Strawberry Teases, Oprah’s AI Push & More AI News

Video Thumbnail
This video discusses various AI developments, including Oprah’s initiative, providing a broader context for her efforts in the AI domain.
YouTube – AI For Humans (Duration: 36:16, 7 hours ago)

Good Morning America | @oprah talks to @rebeccajarvis …

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In this TikTok video segment, Oprah discusses her views on AI with Rebecca Jarvis, highlighting her belief that fear of AI is unwarranted and should be replaced with understanding.
TikTok – Good Morning America (Duration: 1:48, 8 hours ago)

This magazine encapsulates the growing conversation around AI as led by Oprah Winfrey, offering insights into the technology’s implications and the public’s reception of it. Through her special, Oprah is likely to shape the narrative around AI in a significant way.

OpenAI o1 Benchmark and Guide: Overview of o1-preview, o1-mini, Limits, Pricing, and System Card

OpenAI has once again made headlines with the launch of its latest artificial intelligence model, known as OpenAI o1. This groundbreaking model, also internally referred to as “Strawberry,” is designed to tackle complex reasoning tasks with enhanced efficiency and accuracy. In this in-depth analysis, we will explore the features, implications, and potential applications of OpenAI o1, as well as its place in the evolving landscape of artificial intelligence.

What is OpenAI o1?

OpenAI o1 is a new series of large language models that utilize advanced reinforcement learning techniques to enhance their reasoning capabilities. Unlike previous models, o1 is trained to think critically before generating responses, allowing it to solve complex problems across various domains, including mathematics, coding, and scientific inquiries. The model has already demonstrated impressive performance, achieving high rankings in competitive programming challenges and excelling in mathematical reasoning tests.

Key Features of OpenAI o1

  1. Enhanced Reasoning Abilities: OpenAI o1 is engineered to spend more time processing inquiries before responding. This deliberate approach enables the model to reason through complex questions, providing more accurate and contextually relevant answers.

  2. Self-Fact-Checking: One of the standout features of o1 is its ability to fact-check its responses. By employing a chain of thought reasoning process, the model can verify its answers, reducing the likelihood of misinformation and inaccuracies in its outputs.

  3. Versatile Applications: Whether it’s handling intricate coding tasks or solving advanced mathematical problems, o1 is designed for a wide range of applications. Its capabilities make it particularly valuable for developers, researchers, and educators who require reliable AI solutions.

  4. Integration with ChatGPT: The o1 model is now integrated into ChatGPT, allowing users to leverage its advanced reasoning abilities within conversational contexts. This integration enhances the user experience by providing more thoughtful and accurate interactions.

Technical Specifications and Model Variants

OpenAI has introduced multiple variants of the o1 model, including o1-preview and o1-mini. These models cater to different needs, with the o1-mini being a more compact version designed for quicker responses at a lower computational cost.

The o1 model series is trained on vast datasets and utilizes sophisticated algorithms to refine its reasoning process. By focusing on a PhD-level performance benchmark, OpenAI aims to push the boundaries of what AI can achieve in terms of cognitive tasks.

OpenAI o1 Benchmark Results

OpenAI’s new language model, o1, demonstrates significant improvements in reasoning capabilities over its predecessor GPT-4o. Key performance highlights include:

  1. Mathematics: Placed among top 500 students nationally in the USA Math Olympiad qualifier (AIME), solving 93% of problems with advanced sampling techniques.

  2. Science: Exceeded human PhD-level accuracy on the GPQA Diamond benchmark for physics, biology, and chemistry problems.

  3. Competitive Programming: Ranked in the 89th percentile on Codeforces questions.

  4. General Knowledge: Outperformed GPT-4o in 54 out of 57 MMLU subcategories.

  5. Multimodal Understanding: Scored 78.2% on MMMU with vision capabilities enabled, competing with human experts.

The model’s performance improves with increased training time and reasoning time. Its success is attributed to its ability to generate and refine long chains of thought before responding, learned through reinforcement learning.

While impressive, these results are specific to certain problem-solving tasks and do not imply overall superiority to human experts in all domains.

OpenAI o1 for ChatGPT uesrs

OpenAI o1 introduces significant improvements for ChatGPT users. This new line of models is designed to excel at complex reasoning tasks, particularly in science, coding, and mathematics.

For ChatGPT users, this introduction brings several exciting developments:

  1. Availability: The first model, “o1-preview,” is now accessible to ChatGPT Plus and Team users. A more efficient version, “o1-mini,” is also available.

  2. Performance: These models demonstrate remarkable prowess in challenging areas. For instance, in International Mathematics Olympiad qualifying exams, o1 achieved an 83% success rate, a substantial improvement over its predecessor.

  3. Usage Limits: Initially, there are weekly rate limits set at 30 messages for o1-preview and 50 for o1-mini.

  4. Context window: In ChatGPT, the context windows for o1-preview and o1-mini is 32k. This is different from 128k in the API.

  5. Future Access: ChatGPT Enterprise and Edu users will gain access in the coming week, with plans to extend o1-mini to all ChatGPT Free users in the future.

  6. Current Limitations: While powerful, o1 models currently lack some familiar features like web browsing and file/image uploading. OpenAI is working to incorporate these in future updates.

  7. Ongoing Development: This release is just the beginning. OpenAI promises regular updates and improvements to both the o1 series and the existing GPT models.

OpenAI o1 API

Open AI o1 is also available via API and in the OpenAI playground. Here you can learn about its limitations and pricing.

Usage Limits

  • Only available to Usage Tier 5 API accounts

    • Customers with 30+ days of payment history

    • Previously spent $1000 on the API

  • Rate limit: 20 requests per minute for both o1-preview and o1-mini



Input (per 1M tokens)

Output (per 1M tokens)










GPT-4o mini



Key observations:

  1. The o1-preview model is significantly more expensive than GPT-4o, costing 3x more for input and 4x more for output.

  2. The o1-mini model is priced between GPT-4o and GPT-4o mini, offering a middle-ground option.

  3. Both o1 models maintain the same 1:4 ratio between input and output token pricing as the GPT-4o models.

  4. The o1 models are considerably more expensive than their GPT-4o counterparts, likely reflecting their advanced reasoning capabilities.

For the most up-to-date and official pricing information, please refer to the OpenAI API pricing page at

OpenAI o1 System Card

The OpenAI o1 System Card provides an overview of the safety evaluations and risk assessments for the new o1 model series, which includes o1-preview and o1-mini. These models are designed to perform complex reasoning using chain-of-thought processes. Key points from the System Card include:

  1. Safety Evaluations: The models were tested on various safety benchmarks, including disallowed content, jailbreak attempts, and bias evaluations. Both o1-preview and o1-mini showed improvements over previous models in many areas.

  2. Preparedness Framework: The models were evaluated using OpenAI’s Preparedness Framework, which assesses risks in cybersecurity, biological threats, persuasion, and model autonomy. Both models were classified as medium risk overall.

  3. Capabilities: The o1 models demonstrated strong performance in areas such as coding, math, and scientific reasoning. However, they also showed potential for increased risks in certain areas, such as biological threat information.

  4. External Evaluations: OpenAI collaborated with external organizations and experts to assess potential risks and capabilities of the models.

  5. Multilingual Performance: The models showed improved performance on multilingual tasks compared to previous versions.

  6. Limitations and Ongoing Work: The System Card acknowledges current limitations of the models and areas for future improvement and research.

The document emphasizes OpenAI’s commitment to responsible AI development and deployment, balancing the advancement of AI capabilities with necessary safeguards and risk mitigation strategies.

For the full details, please refer to the original OpenAI o1 System Card: OpenAI o1 System Card

Implications for Developers and Industries

The release of OpenAI o1 has significant implications for various sectors, including education, software development, and research. Here are some key takeaways:

1. Educational Tools

With its advanced reasoning capabilities, OpenAI o1 can serve as a valuable educational tool. Students can use the model to gain insights into complex subjects, receive help with homework, and learn problem-solving strategies. Educators can also utilize the model to create personalized learning experiences tailored to individual student needs.

2. Software Development

For developers, the o1 model can streamline coding processes, assist in debugging, and enhance collaborative project efforts. The model’s ability to understand and generate complex code makes it an indispensable asset in software development environments.

3. Research and Academia

Researchers across disciplines can benefit from o1’s capabilities in handling complex datasets and generating hypotheses. The model can assist in conducting literature reviews, synthesizing information, and exploring new avenues of inquiry, thereby accelerating the pace of academic research.

Comparisons with Previous Models

OpenAI o1 represents a significant evolution from its predecessors, such as GPT-4. While GPT-4 brought substantial improvements in language understanding and generation, o1 goes a step further by emphasizing reasoning and critical thinking. Here are some aspects where o1 outshines previous models:

  • Reasoning Depth: O1’s ability to engage in multi-step reasoning tasks is far superior to that of previous models. This capability allows it to tackle intricate challenges that would have stumped earlier iterations.

  • Error Reduction: The self-fact-checking feature significantly reduces the likelihood of erroneous outputs, which has been a common criticism of earlier AI models.

  • User Experience: The integration of o1 into ChatGPT enhances user interaction by providing more relevant and thoughtful responses, making conversations more engaging and informative.

Future Prospects

The launch of OpenAI o1 marks a pivotal moment in the development of AI technologies. As companies and individuals begin to harness the power of this new model, we can expect to see a range of innovative applications emerge.

OpenAI’s commitment to refining its models and addressing ethical considerations will play a critical role in shaping the future of artificial intelligence. By focusing on responsible AI development, OpenAI can help ensure that advancements in technology benefit society as a whole.


OpenAI o1 represents a significant leap forward in AI reasoning capabilities. With its advanced features, versatile applications, and integration into existing platforms, it is poised to transform how we interact with artificial intelligence. As we continue to explore the potential of this model, it is essential to remain aware of the challenges and ethical considerations that accompany such powerful technologies.


What is OpenAI o1?

OpenAI o1 is a new series of AI models designed to enhance reasoning capabilities and provide accurate responses to complex questions. It is capable of self-fact-checking and is integrated into ChatGPT for improved user interactions.

How does OpenAI o1 compare to previous models like GPT-4?

OpenAI o1 offers deeper reasoning capabilities and reduced error rates compared to earlier models like GPT-4. It emphasizes critical thinking and multi-step problem-solving.

What is the knowledge cut-off for the OpenAI o1-preview and o1-mini models?

The OpenAI o1-preview and o1-mini models share the same knowledge cut-off as our GPT-4o models, October 2023.

What usage limits are enforced on the OpenAI o1-preview and o1-mini models

Users on ChatGPT Plus and Team accounts have access to the 30 messages a week with OpenAI o1-preview and 50 messages a week with OpenAI o1-mini. Learn more about OpenAI o1 usage limits.

Can users on ChatGPT Free tier access OpenAI o1 models?

At the moment, OpenAI o1 models are only available on ChatGPT Paid tiers and for Usage Tier 5 API customers. We plan to bring access to OpenAI o1 models on Free tiers at a later time.

Additional resources

For further reading on OpenAI o1 and its implications, you can refer to the following sources:

News for OpenAI o1

Date: September 12, 2024, 7:50 PM GMT
Executive summary: OpenAI has unveiled its new AI model series, code-named “Strawberry,” with the official launch of the o1 model family. This new generation of models introduces enhanced reasoning capabilities, allowing them to tackle complex mathematical, scientific, and coding problems more effectively. The models are designed to self-correct and fact-check their responses, marking a significant leap in AI technology. The o1 models are currently available to developers and enterprises on Azure, with initial access provided to ChatGPT Plus subscribers.

OpenAI’s New Reasoning Models

OpenAI Unveils New ChatGPT That Can Reason Through Math and Science

Image OpenAI has launched a new version of ChatGPT, which boasts improved reasoning abilities in mathematics and science, aimed at solving complex problems step by step. This advancement signals a new era for AI interactions, where users can expect more accurate and logically sound responses.
The New York Times (1 hour ago)

OpenAI Releases o1, Its First Model with ‘Reasoning’ Abilities

Image The o1 model represents OpenAI’s first venture into AI that can perform reasoning tasks effectively, showcasing capabilities that could rival human-level problem solving. The model aims to enhance user experience with more intelligent responses across various domains.
The Verge (3 hours ago)

OpenAI Releases “Strawberry” Model with Better Reasoning Capabilities

Image The “Strawberry” model offers advanced reasoning capabilities that allow it to solve more complex problems than its predecessors. This model is part of a strategic push by OpenAI to lead in AI reasoning technology.
Axios (3 hours ago)

OpenAI Announces a New AI Model, Code-Named Strawberry, That Solves Difficult Problems Step by Step

Image OpenAI’s new model is designed to break down complex problems into manageable steps, significantly improving the way AI can assist in various fields such as education and research.
WIRED (3 hours ago)

OpenAI’s New o1 Models Push AI to PhD-Level Intelligence

Image The newly released o1 models are claimed to perform at a level comparable to PhD graduates, particularly in reasoning and problem-solving tasks. This development positions OpenAI as a leader in advanced AI capabilities.
Fast Company (2 hours ago)

Technical Insights and Implications

OpenAI Releases New AI Model That Answers More Complex Questions

Image The o1 model is designed to handle more intricate queries, enhancing its usability across various applications. This breakthrough is expected to increase efficiency in problem-solving across multiple disciplines.
Yahoo Finance (2 hours ago)

OpenAI Unveils o1, a Model That Can Fact-Check Itself

Image The self-fact-checking feature of the o1 model represents a significant technological advancement, allowing the AI to verify its own outputs and improve accuracy in real-time.
TechCrunch (3 hours ago)

OpenAI Just Dropped o1 Model That Can ‘Reason’ Through Complex Tasks

Image The latest model represents a significant leap in AI capabilities, especially in reasoning through complex tasks in math, coding, and science. This model is seen as a game-changer in the field of AI.
Tom’s Guide (1 hour ago)

Forget GPT-5! OpenAI Launches New AI Model Family o1 Claiming PhD-Level Performance

Image By positioning the o1 series as a direct competitor to previous iterations, OpenAI aims to redefine expectations for AI performance in reasoning and problem-solving scenarios.
VentureBeat (2 hours ago)

OpenAI’s New ChatGPT That Can ‘Think’ is Here

Image The latest version of ChatGPT incorporates reasoning abilities, allowing it to tackle more complex tasks and improve user interactions significantly.
Quartz (29 minutes ago)

Community Reactions and Discussions

Official OpenAI o1 Announcement

The Reddit community discusses the implications of the o1 model, highlighting its exceptional performance in math and coding challenges, and the potential effects on educational systems.
Reddit (time unspecified)

Introducing OpenAI o1

Discussions in the Reddit community reveal excitement about the new o1 models’ capabilities, particularly how they can reason through complex tasks and their implications for future AI development.
Reddit (time unspecified)

OpenAI Launches o1 Model with Reasoning Capabilities

Community reactions indicate a positive reception towards the o1 model’s ability to process complex queries and enhance user experience significantly.
Reddit (time unspecified)

Overview of OpenAI o1 Content

A comprehensive overview of the new o1 model’s capabilities is shared, focusing on its advanced reasoning and problem-solving features within the AI community.
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OpenAI Announces o1 Model with Reasoning Capabilities

Reddit users discuss the implications of the o1 model’s reasoning capabilities, including its percentile ranking in programming competitions, highlighting its potential impact on the development of future AI models.
Reddit (time unspecified)

A short horror (not for the faint of heart)

I want to creat a short horror story at the restaurant

어두컴컴한 식당, 빈 테이블이 늘어선 가운데 한 남자가 혼자 앉아 있었어. 낡은 메뉴판을 넘기며 무언가를 고르는 듯 했지만, 그의 눈은 텅 비어 있었지. 마치 영혼이 빠져나간 듯한 모습이었어.

그때, 식당 문이 쾅 소리와 함께 열렸어. 들어온 사람은 긴 검은 코트를 입고 얼굴을 가린 채였지. 그는 남자의 맞은편에 앉아, 낮은 목소리로 말했어. “주문은 다 하셨나요?”

남자는 고개를 끄덕였지만, 여전히 아무 말도 하지 않았어. 그러자 그 남자는 코트의 후드를 벗었고, 그 순간 남자의 얼굴은 공포로 일그러졌지.

그 남자의 얼굴은 뼈만 남은 해골이었고, 붉게 빛나는 눈은 남자를 응시하고 있었어.

“당신의 영혼을 주문하셨군요.” 해골은 섬뜩한 미소를 지으며 말했어.

Translate the whole thing into English

Okay, I’ll help you with that.

The restaurant was dimly lit, almost like a tomb. The air hung heavy, thick with the scent of stale food and hushed whispers. He sat alone, his eyes vacant, staring at a plate that was untouched. The shadows danced around him, a macabre ballet of darkness. The silence was broken only by the distant clatter of dishes and the rhythmic drip of a leaky faucet.

His face, though, was the most unsettling sight. It was like a mask, a pale, sickly canvas that held no life. The eyes, two black pits, stared straight ahead, unblinking.

The air grew colder, the shadows seemed to deepen, and a low, guttural growl emanated from the darkness.

The man’s eyes flickered, the black pits now burning with a malevolent red glow.

The growl grew louder, closer, and the silence of the restaurant was shattered by the screams of terror.

In a dimly lit restaurant, nes…

I want to creat a short horror story at the restaurant

In a dimly lit restaurant, nestled in a forgotten corner of the city, an eerie atmosphere hung in the air. The walls were adorned with dusty photographs of patrons long gone, their smiles frozen in time. As the clock struck midnight, the last customer—a solitary figure cloaked in shadows—sat at a corner table, his meal untouched.

Suddenly, the flickering lights cast strange shapes on the walls. The air turned cold, and a soft whisper echoed through the empty space. “Leave while you can,” it warned. The figure glanced around, his heart racing, but the restaurant was still and silent, save for the sound of his own breathing.

He decided to leave, but as he stood up, the door slammed shut with a deafening bang. Panic set in. The whispers grew louder, swirling around him like a malevolent wind. Shadows danced across the floor, taking form—twisted faces that seemed to reach out, begging for escape.

Desperate, he rushed towards the kitchen, hoping to find a way out. But the kitchen was dark, the only light coming from a flickering oven that seemed to pulse with an otherworldly glow. As he stepped inside, the whispers turned to screams, and the oven door swung open, revealing a swirling void.

With nowhere to go, he felt himself being pulled into the darkness, the restaurant’s malevolent spirit claiming another soul. The last thing he heard was the laughter of the long-gone patrons as the door creaked open, welcoming the next unsuspecting diner.

What do you think? Would you like to add more details about the restaurant or perhaps change the ending?

Add a backstory for the restaurant’s haunting

The restaurant, known as “The Forgotten Table,” was originally a bustling eatery in the early 1900s, famous for its lavish banquets and vibrant atmosphere. It was the place where couples celebrated anniversaries, families gathered for holidays, and friends made memories over shared meals. However, one fateful night, a tragic fire broke out during a grand celebration, claiming the lives of dozens of patrons and staff. The flames spread quickly, trapping many inside, their desperate cries swallowed by the inferno.

After the fire, the restaurant was rebuilt, but the spirits of those lost lingered, forever tied to the site of their last joyful moments. Over the years, diners began to report strange occurrences: flickering lights, disembodied whispers, and the feeling of being watched. Some claimed to see shadowy figures sitting at the empty tables, their laughter echoing softly in the night.

As time passed, the restaurant fell into disrepair, becoming a shadow of its former self. The once-celebrated chef who reopened it grew increasingly obsessed with appeasing the restless spirits, believing their presence haunted the kitchen. He would often cook elaborate meals for an audience of none, hoping to soothe their souls. But instead, he became part of the haunting, lost to the darkness of his obsession.

Now, the restaurant stands as a chilling reminder of the past, where the living and the dead intertwine, and where every meal carries the weight of untold stories. Those who enter are drawn into a cycle of fear, laughter, and sorrow, unaware of the spirits that still seek the comfort of companionship at their table.

Would you like to explore more about the restaurant’s past or focus on a specific character involved in the haunting?

In a dimly lit restaurant, nestled in a forgotten corner of the city, an eerie atmosphere hung in the air. The walls were adorned with dusty photographs of patrons long gone, their smiles frozen in time. As the clock struck midnight, the last customer—a solitary figure cloaked in shadows—sat at a corner table, his meal untouched.

Suddenly, the flickering lights cast strange shapes on the walls. The air turned cold, and a soft whisper echoed through the empty space. “Leave while you can,” it warned. The figure glanced around, his heart racing, but the restaurant was still and silent, save for the sound of his own breathing.

He decided to leave, but as he stood up, the door slammed shut with a deafening bang. Panic set in. The whispers grew louder, swirling around him like a malevolent wind. Shadows danced across the floor, taking form—twisted faces that seemed to reach out, begging for escape.

Desperate, he rushed towards the kitchen, hoping to find a way out. But the kitchen was dark, the only light coming from a flickering oven that seemed to pulse with an otherworldly glow. As he stepped inside, the whispers turned to screams, and the oven door swung open, revealing a swirling void.

With nowhere to go, he felt himself being pulled into the darkness, the restaurant’s malevolent spirit claiming another soul. The last thing he heard was the laughter of the long-gone patrons as the door creaked open, welcoming the next unsuspecting diner.

Simple daily expressions in Mandarin


Setting Background Description:

Welcome to the vibrant streets of Beijing in the early 21st century, a city rich in history and culture, where ancient traditions meet the fast-paced modern world. The Great Wall of China, completed in the 16th century, stands as a testament to the ingenuity of the Ming Dynasty, while the Forbidden City, a UNESCO World Heritage site, showcases the splendours of imperial architecture from the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Today, Beijing is a bustling metropolis, filled with towering skyscrapers, traditional hutongs (narrow alleys), and a diverse population that speaks Mandarin Chinese.

As you navigate through the city, you will engage in various scenarios that require you to learn and use simple daily expressions in Mandarin. Whether bargaining at a local market, ordering food at a street vendor, or greeting locals, your knowledge of the language will be crucial in connecting with the people and immersing yourself in their culture.

Image Generation:

Character Choices:

You find yourself standing in front of a bustling market in Beijing. The air is filled with the aroma of delicious street food, and the sounds of lively conversations surround you. Suddenly, you realise you need to communicate effectively to navigate this vibrant environment.

What would you like to do?

Майнетика – наука о главном.

Дамы и господа, сегодня я стою перед вами, чтобы представить нечто революционное. Нечто, что изменит не только то, как мы учимся, но и то, как мы воспринимаем мир вокруг нас. Это Майнетика.

Майнетика – это не просто курс. Это ключ к пониманию самой сути нашего существования. Мы в Центре визуального моделирования создали инструмент, который позволяет увидеть то, о чем другие могут только говорить.

Представьте, что вы можете увидеть, как работает ваш мозг. Как формируются мысли, как рождаются идеи. Теперь это возможно благодаря нашим уникальным визуальным моделям.

Но Майнетика – это больше, чем просто красивые картинки. Это фундаментальное изменение в подходе к обучению. Мы не просто даем знания – мы учим учиться. Мы даем вам инструменты для контроля внимания, управления своей деятельностью, понимания психических процессов.

Почему это важно? Потому что в современном мире недостаточно просто обладать информацией. Нужно уметь ее обрабатывать, анализировать, применять. И именно этому учит Майнетика.

Наш курс отвечает на три ключевых вопроса: как устроен мир, как устроены мы сами, и как эти две системы взаимодействуют. Понимание этого – ключ к успеху в любой сфере жизни.

С Майнетикой вы научитесь:

Осознанно воспринимать информацию
Эффективно управлять своим вниманием
Быстро осваивать новые навыки
Находить свое истинное предназначение

Это не просто обещания. Это результат, который мы гарантируем каждому, кто пройдет наш курс.

Майнетика – это не просто новая наука. Это новый взгляд на мир и на себя. Это возможность стать лучшей версией себя.

Не упустите шанс изменить свою жизнь. Майнетика – это будущее образования, и это будущее начинается сегодня.


Choose Peppa Pig: The adventur…


Background Description:

Welcome to Adventure Park, a whimsical wonderland inspired by the beloved world of Peppa Pig! This vibrant park is nestled in the heart of a lush countryside, reminiscent of the picturesque English landscape. Adventure Park is designed with bright colors, charming architecture, and themed zones that represent various adventures from the Peppa Pig series.

Historically, the charm of Adventure Park draws inspiration from the rural English countryside of the 1950s-1970s, which is famous for its rolling hills, quaint villages, and family-friendly attractions. This era marked the rise of children’s entertainment in the UK, with characters like Peppa Pig capturing the hearts of young audiences. The park reflects a blend of nature and play, with classic picnic areas, muddy puddles, and hidden treasures just waiting to be discovered.

In this enchanting setting, children can engage in educational activities, learn about friendship and teamwork, and explore the values of sharing and caring, which are themes often echoed in Peppa’s adventures.

Character Choices:
In Adventure Park, you can choose to be one of Peppa’s friends, each with their own unique abilities to help you on your adventure!

Choose Peppa Pig: The adventurous leader who loves jumping in muddy puddles!

Peppa’s Muddy Adventure

As Peppa Pig, you dash into Adventure Park, excitement bubbling over as you spot a glittering puddle ahead! It’s the perfect moment to jump and splash. But wait! Suzy Sheep runs up, shouting about a hidden dinosaur toy nearby. You must choose wisely—should you jump in the puddle for a fun splash or search for the toy? Your decision will lead you on a thrilling path, but be careful! Not every choice leads to joy.

What will you do?

A. Korzibsky is smoking a sigar.

The man moves his right hand to his mouth, smokes a cigarette, and then makes clouds of smoke.

The man moves his right hand to his mouth, smokes a cigarette, and then makes clouds of smoke.


The man moves his right hand to his mouth, smokes a cigarette, and then makes clouds of smoke.

The man moves his right hand to his mouth, smokes a cigarette, and then makes clouds of smoke.

The man moves his right hand to his mouth, smokes a cigarette, and then makes clouds of smoke.

The man moves his right hand to his mouth, smokes a cigarette, and then makes clouds of smoke.

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