You choose to attempt to recreate the opening mechanism of the box from memory. You carefully recall the texture of the wood, the precise location of the hidden catch, and the amount of pressure needed to release the latch. You find some scraps of wood and a small, sharp knife, and begin to carefully carve a replica of the box’s bottom section.

This is a meticulous task, requiring patience and precision. You work slowly and methodically, focusing on replicating the subtle details of the seam and the hidden catch. You are determined to understand the mechanics of the mechanism, not just its function.

After several hours of careful work, you complete your replica. It’s not perfect—it lacks the intricate carving of the original—but the mechanism is functional. You carefully press on the area corresponding to the hidden catch, and with a satisfying click, the replica swings open, just as the original did. You’ve successfully replicated the mechanism from memory.

This demonstrates a remarkable ability to observe, analyze, and replicate complex mechanisms—a crucial skill for a Shadow Whisperer. You’ve not only found the secret but also understood its workings.

You have leveled up! You are now level 3.

Your Shadow Whisperer abilities are enhanced. You gain the following:

  • Whispers of the Faceless: Once per day, you can target a creature and force them to make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, they become frightened or confused for 1 minute.

What do you do now?

A) Show your mentor your replica of the box’s mechanism.

B) Carefully examine the stone again, looking for clues about its purpose.

C) Begin a new observation exercise, focusing on a different object or task.

D) Practice your new Whispers of the Faceless ability, attempting to use it on a suitable target. (This will require a roleplaying scenario.)